Civil Society Program

in connection with the 2024 International Ministerial Conference on Freedom of Religion or Belief

How FoRB Can Help Prevent the Misuse of Religion and Build Social Cohesion and Resilience

8-9 October 2024

Berlin, Germany

Hotel Adlon Kempinski

Civil Society & Government

IN-person or virtual

About the Event

Bringing Majority World Voices to the Global Conversation about FoRB

You’re invited to join us in Berlin, Germany for a special 2-day conference, convening civil society and government to dig into how freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) can help prevent the misuse of religion, and build social cohesion and resilience. We look forward to seeing you there!



Featured Sessions

Academic Session

This academic session, led by co-chairs of the IRF Secretariat’s Global Academic Council, Jocelyne Cesari and Mae Cannon, will focus on fostering thoughtful dialogue and advancing the global research agenda on religious freedom.

Tues, Oct 8, 2024

2:00 PM to 4:30 PM

International Religious Freedom Roundtable

The IRF Roundtable, led by co-chairs Greg Mitchell and Nadine Maenza, convenes weekly and is an informal space where NGOs, individuals, and government officials from all faiths and beliefs gather, share information and stories of religious persecution, and take multi-faith actions to advocate for and build religious freedom for all.

Tues, Oct 8, 2024

5:00 PM to 6:30 PM

Daylong Program

How FoRB Can Help Prevent the Misuse of Religion and Build Social Cohesion and Resilience

Chaired by Greg Mitchell, IRF Secretariat

Opening Session

The opening session will include welcoming remarks from the leaders and organizers of this event. The session launches a dialogue on how we frame the conversation and WHY this topic of FoRB is incredibly important.

Welcome Remarks from the Program Chair
  • Greg Mitchell, IRF Secretariat
Opening Remarks from the Conveners
  • Chris Stewart, Templeton Religion Trust
  • Nadine Maenza, IRF Secretariat
  • Wade Kusack, Love Your Neighbor Community (LYNC)
VIP Keynotes
  • Ambassador Robert Rehak, Chair of the Article 18 Alliance
  • Fernanda San Martin Carrasco, Director of the International Panel of Parliamentarians for Freedom of Religion or Belief (IPPFoRB)
  • Jose Ramos MP, Panama
  • Godfred Seidu Jasaw MP, Ghana
  • Professor John Azumah, The Sanneh Institute in Ghana
  • Professor Uriel Simonsohn, Haifa University in Israel
  • Sheikh Al Mahfoudh bin Bayyah, Alliance of Virtue, Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace
Framing the Conversation
  • Chris Seiple, LYNC
  • Dennis Hoover, LYNC

Wed, Oct 9, 2024

9:00 AM to 10:30 AM

Eurasia Panel Discussions: FoRB, Security, and Building Social Cohesion & Resilience

Moderator: Wade Kusack, LYNC

Government Officials

The government officials will answer questions on how their governments ensure citizens & freedom of belief and security. What challenges do they face? What are the short-term and long-term strategies to oppose extremism and strengthen religious freedom? What kind of support from the international community are they looking for?

  • Mr. Azamat Danakhmentov, Chief Expert of the Law Implementation
    Practice, Department of the Committee on Religious Affairs, Kazakhstan
  • Dilshod Mamatkulov, Deputy Chair of Committee on Religious Affairs,
  • Zaza Vashakmadze, Chairman of the State Agency for Religious Issues,
  • Ion Groza, Member of Parliament, Vice President of the Foreign Affairs
    and European Integration Committee, Moldova
National Faith Leaders

The representatives of the Muslim Spiritual Board and Christians from Georgia and Moldova will share their perspectives on how they perceive their role in strengthening social cohesion and opposing extremist ideology.

  • Imam Bijigit Qoshiev, Grand Mufti Advisor, Muslim Spiritual Board, Kazakhstan
  • Imam Shovkat Khamdamov, Spiritual Muslim Administration, Uzbekistan
  • Guram Imerishvili, Christian Youth Movement of Georgia
  • Valeriu Giletchi, President of the European Christian Political Movement, Moldova
Local Religious Leaders

Religious leaders will explain how Covenantal Pluralism Initiative/Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy program already strengthens security and freedom of religion or belief in their context. They will share quick anecdotes about their relationships/collaborations based on the philosophy of covenantal pluralism and
its impact on their communities.

  • Imam Nazirkhan Tashkhodjaev, Kazakhstan
  • Rev. Arman Arenbayev, Pastor, Kazakhstan
  • Imam Shovkat Khamdamov, Spiritual Muslim Administration, Uzbekistan
  • Rev. Oleg Vorojtsov, Pastor, Uzbekistan
Eurasian Women of Faith Engagement
  • Halina Kusack, LYNC

Wed, Oct 9, 2024

11:00 AM to 12:30 PM

MENA Region Panel Discussion: FoRB, Security, and Building Social Cohesion & Resilience

Moderator: Suzanne Grishman, Mercury One

Panel Speakers
  • Nazira Goriya, Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES)
  • Mayor Isaam Bahnam Matti, Mayor of Hamdaniya (Qaraqosh), Iraq
  • Mirza Dinnayi, House of Coexistence, Sinjar, Iraq
  • Brikene Krasniqi, Hardwired Global Program Manager

Wed, Oct 9, 2024

1:45 PM to 2:45 PM

What Needs to be Done?

This session will feature the leaders of the Academic Council, Media Council, and Corporate Council, discussing how these pillars of impact can harness their influence for FoRB. Greg Mitchell and Nadine Maenza will lead an open dialogue and brainstorming session with participants.

Academic Initiatives (2:45 PM - 3:15 PM)
  • Jocelyne Cesari and Mae Cannon, Global Academic Council
  • Other members of the Global Academic Council
Corporate Initiatives (3:45 PM - 4:15 PM)
  • Simran Stuelpnagel, Corporate Council
  • Eva Witesman, BYU Marriott School of Business
  • Ben Christenson, Former SAP Executive
Media Initiatives (4:15 PM - 4:40 PM)
  • Rachel Miner, Global Media Council
  • Tom Gallagher, Religion Media Council
Open Mic: Ideas & Proposals
Responses from Leaders of Strategic Initiatives
  • Dr. Paul Murray, Global Peace Foundation
  • Wade Kusack, LYNC
Summary Conclusion
  • Greg Mitchell and Nadine Maenza, IRF Secretariat

Wed, Oct 9, 2024

2:45 PM to 3:15 PM

Coffee Break

3:45 PM to 5:30 PM

Documentary Film Screening & Discussion

Amen, Amen, Amen: A Story for Our Times

The Torah’s Journey: Mutual Respect, Co-Existence, Inclusion, and Religious Pluralism

Discussion led by Executive Producer and Director, Tom Gallagher, Religion Media Foundation

Wed, Oct 9, 2024

5:00 PM to 6:30 PM

Reception & Awards Dinner

  • Reception begins at 7:00 pm
  • Awards Dinner begins at 8:00 pm

Wed, Oct 9, 2024

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM